Rosie Britton
After teaching in Sixth Form College, Adult Education and schools, my husband and I took early retirement and came to live in West Dorset in a former farmhouse down a long track, overlooking fields and woodland. As the years have passed my husband has devoted more and more of his time to the garden and land, whist I am usually to be found in my studio.
In the early days here I gained diplomas with distinction in Imagework, Garden Design, and Art and Design, subjects which reflect my main interests.
When I came to write my thesis for Imagework, a tool of psychotherapy using creative visualisation, I chose as my subject the way its techniques could be used to enhance one’s imagination and bring new depth to one’s art. Subsequently a friend and I ran residential painting courses to explore and share these ideas, and my own work has been much influenced by this.
My greatest loves are painting, collaging and collagraph printing and I am never happier than when involved in projects.
For all these projects I keep A4 journals of photos, drawings and writings, including a 6 volume illustrated journal of our garden throughout the year, and I have filled numerous books with drawings made of the lovely West Dorset countryside and on trips abroad, especially France and Morocco
Drawings from my journal
I have exhibited in the Home counties as well as in Dorset, Devon, Somerset and Wiltshire, and my work is to be found as far away as Canada, Australia, and the Middle East as well as in a number of European countries, something that gives me a lot of pleasure.